Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > is this cage ok?

is this cage ok?

23 10:30:45

i was wondering if this cage would be ok for a green cheek he would be out of it several hours a day. It wouldn't let me post the link but if you go to it's the prevue 117 also on the prevue websight. thanks alot I have gotten alot of conflicting info about it so wonering what your take on it is.

Hi, Kelli.  Thanks for posting!

I hope I looked at the right cage...the Prevue 117W for $95 for cockatiels?  Photos like this can be deceiving, but I don't think this cage is big enough, even for a cockatiel, by the dimensions given on the site.  By the time you add 1 or 2 other types of perches (that would be better for your green cheek than dowel rods) and add some toys, there won't be much room left for the bird.  A bird needs enough room in it's cage so it can flap it's wings vigorously without any part of it's body touching anything inside the cage.  Also, I do not like cages where the dishes are below perch level.  Dishes should always be higher than or at least at same level with perches so the bird doesn't eat/drink from dishes that s/he has defecated in (in order to prevent illness/disease).  Also, be aware when considering a cage that birds will perch at the highest point in a cage, therefore, space below that level will be virtually a waste (positioning of perches in a cage is key here).

This cage would be OK if your green cheek only sleeps and eats in it, i.e., the bird is allowed outside the cage at all times.

I hope this information helps!
