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molting vs sick?

23 10:20:46

I acquired a Indian ring necked parakeet about a month ago.   We took him to an avian vet who said he was healthy and molting. I have found several of the large tail feathers laying on the bottom of the cage and as the days go on he seems crabbier and fluffier.  Now there seems to be a spot on his head where the feathers look thin. Is this molting or do you think we need to call the vet?

HI Sue,

This could be normal molting. Some birds do look scruffy during this time and it takes a lot of energy for the body to molt and grow healthy new feathers. However feather quality does reflect the health of the bird. I would ask the vet just in case, especially since you just got your bird and don't know what a normal molting process is for him.
