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Orange Winged Amazon

23 10:18:19

I have recently inherited a 26 year old orange winged amazon who probably has
not been handled in twenty years. I am wondering how to go about "Rehabing"
him ( her?) so that I can handle this bird. It seems to be much friendlier since I
got it three months ago, but I want to be able to give it a better life, and I think
that includes getting out of the cage.... thanks.

What a good heart you have! Thank you for that. The parrot thanks you too and you're right about 'out of cage' time.

 Because of space limitations and inability to post pictures here, take a look at our page (it's all free, no products, no sales) (click on birds)

Check back with me and let me know how you make out ok?

If for any reason the page doesn't work (we're working on it) - let me know and I'll support you through this from here.  without pics ;)