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Cockatiel Vomiting

23 10:17:08

Hi, I have a 3 yr old cockatiel. The thing is that every so often, it will vomit up seeds, and start to eat it again. Other than this there are no health problems and it seams fine. I have tried to remove the vomit before it tries to eat it again, but it is very determined to eat it as fast as it can. Whats going on?? Thanks

Hello Erik and thank you for your post.
I am sorry that it took so long for me to answer you, but I had computer problems that are hopefully resolved now.
It sounds like your bird is eating too fast and can not digest the seeds, which and all seed diet is not good for birds to begin with.
Switch your Cockatiel's diet to a pelleted diet.  Pellets are better because they have all of the nutritional values that your bird needs, and being a new diet, your bird will probably slow down on it's eating habits.
If this does not work, consult with a Certified Avian or Exotic Animal Vet.

Good luck and God Bless.