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Macaw beak flaking

23 10:20:34

I have a 10 month old Macaw whose beak is flaking and appears to be "layering". He has been molting for a least a month. Are the two related or could he possibly have a vitamin deficiency? If it is a vitamin deficiency what should I give him?

A bird with a good variety in their diet won't need supplements.  Supplements are really tricky to administer to a bird - without constant blood testing for different levels, they can get too much of something and this can cause a problem all by itself.  
 A diet that's predominantly pellets, 20% seeds/nuts and always providing fresh dark/colorful vegetables, fruits and whole grains will make your bird happy and help keep him healthy for a projected lifespan of up to 65 years!

 As for the beak - what you describe is perfectly normal, especially during a molt.  Provide fresh, clean cuttlebone appropriate for his size, add a mineral or manu block and perhaps install a concrete or mineral perch (not as his main perch, but as a choice) and he should take care of it himself.

Find out more about ideal care for macaws by visiting us and seeing our own macaws - how they're set up, fed, and even how to address problem behaviors.

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