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Hyacinth Macaws & Cockatiels

23 10:18:21

Hello and Thanks for your time.
       My wife and I have eleven cockatiels which we have had for 10 years. We let them fly free in their own room and only keep them in the cage at night.  A lady in the neighborhood who has became really ill wants us to take her two 50 year-old Macaws.  Will the cockatiels and the Macaws be able to co-exist in the same house, certainly not the same room? And if so,will either species feelings be hurt when the other is getting attention? Any advice in this matter will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks...Ted

What a wonderful act of kindness to take these macaws. There's no reason that you can't have a full house as long as everyone isn't free at the same time.  For the most part, nonflighted  macaws (if they aren't clipped, they really should be) will be happy on an interesting perch.  When ours are out of cage, they are on 'boingys' - spiral rope perches that we have suspended from very secure plant hooks in the ceiling.  Hanging from the boings are various chewy 'toys' (wood) and other interesting things.

 Our most successful rescue, Sadie, a blue and gold, even asks for "Water" when she wants it. We're quick to oblige.

 Take a look at our page for more about how to keep these magnificent birds happy and healthy (and feel free to ask me anything, anytime). (click on 'birds').