Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Hi I am so glad I found this...

Hi I am so glad I found this...

23 10:34:21

Hi I am so glad I found this site and your ad made me feel you
can help me (us).  Frankie (my 6yr old Cockatiel I adopted at 10
wks old) has been my whole world and got me thru divorce, etc.,
with such love and I adore him.  Lucy, (my other bird that may
be 6 yrs also?, flew on our shoulder at Big Bear over 3 years ago
and we put with Frankie)  Frankie was very jealous of her and
still is, but manageable and i made sure Lucy felt loved  in spite
of Frankies behaviour..never violent, just little bite at times, but
they slept together in same cage.......Last month, Frankie ALL OF
A SUDDEN, became hard on her and is getting worse.  She's
adorable and called Lady Lucy because of being such, but
Frankie talks, and whistles (yes, very , very spoiled, both
are).and are free and rarely every in locked cage and i work and
live at home to watch them.  Lately, Frankie is now violent to ME,
and will get very upset if I try to touch him or cage and now he's
actually flying into my face to bite me.......he's very, very angry
at something, but WHAT?   I've tried to be patient and loving, but
he also started yelling over and over and won't stop unless I put
him into cage with cover to stop him, and when I open it I have
to literally run away to avoid him going after me as that really
makes him madder...?  He's always been wonderful and we
have been so close.......He looks and seems well and I know what
to look for to see that as a rule, but  what can make a loving bird
start to be violent and jealous like this to his owner that has
always shown him 100% love and spoil him?   Nothing has
changed and I'm now afraid of him at times.....please advise if
you've ever heard of this........thanks so much for your time, I'm
broken hearted at his actions and doctor will run exp. tests, but
I think this is mental, and he's angry?    God bless you and I
hope you can help.  Marilyn

HI Marilyn,

Well, I will try to help by given you links to a lot of different articles related to screaming, biting and aggressive behavior in parrots. Hopefully the information I pass onto you will help you with Frankie: (written with amazons in mind, but much of the information can be applied to cockatiels as well).

I hope this helps.

You should also check out the book called "The Beak Book" by Sally Blanchard. This book is all about biting and aggressive behaviors in parrots. It is available at or her website:
