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Macaw - inactive

23 10:12:06

Our macaw is 8 months old, and we have been feeding him commercial food. He was very active, and used to make lots of different noises when he tried speaking. But yesterday, he became very inactive, and slept throughout the day. His right wing just hangs from his body and he never made much noise these two days. We think he weighs around 1.5 kg, but since he's acting like this, can you help??

These are very serious symptoms that cannot be handled at home.  There are too many possible underlying causes that need to be checked for with a crop swab, vent swab and cultures as well as blood chemistry.  It could be a serious disease or it could be a rather straightforward infection that will require a course of medication for the specific problem.

In any event, please, please get him see right away.  Delaying treatment only allows the problem to get worse.

Also, don't be surprised if he seems to recover and acts ok for a day or more.  However, the next time you see symptoms they will very often be worse and as mentioned, the longer this goes on, the less his chances are for an easy and full recovery.

 Until he's seen or on the way to the vet, keep him warm.  A smaller, transport cage is necessary - a perch low so if he falls off he won't harm himself.  Cover the cage, leaving only a portion of the front uncovered so he doesn't panic.  Attach a heating pad on the OUTSIDE of the covering so he cannot bite through the bars to the wiring and place it on LOW.  
  If he's at the bottom of the cage place the heating pad underneath.

 Let me know how you do and check my site for more about these wonderful macaws!