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nippy baby green cheek conure

23 10:18:12

We recently purchased a 3 month old green cheeked conure, which we love to pieces.  He's typically very sweet and cludly, but sometimes he bites.. really hard.  Then pet store told us that he was going through a "beaking phase" where he was trying out his beak, but there's a difference between a niggle and a bite that almost breaks your skin. He seems to be more "bitey" in the evening.  Is this normal and what can we do to keep him from biting so hard?

I appreciate that you're this observant and notice his biting more in the evening. In a very young bird, yes, they go through a period of time where they are learning just how much more their beaks can do than crack nuts!
 When your conure bites too hard, rather than react with anger or pretty much showing any emotion - just stop what you're doing, put the bird down (on his perch, in his cage, etc) and turn your back quietly for a few minutes.
 Not too long or the bird forgets why you're ignoring him and it's just useless.
After a few minutes start interacting again and if he bites again, too hard, firmly, but not angrily, tell him "no" or "no biting" and give him an 'earthquake', where you shake your arm enough to distract him, but not enough to displace him or frighten him.  The moment he stops biting, start praising.
 Whenever he bites again, start the process again.

No matter what, never let him feel he has the control. It's when this happens that birds become unhandleable and left in cages, only to become real problem birds.
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