Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > compatibility


23 10:14:54

We have a couple of budgies and a black capped conure who get along nicely in our 6'x3'x2' cage under our coconut trees overlooking the pool here in sunny/rainy Sth. Florida. We have the opportunity to purchase a couple of green cheek's, but am concerned that the black cap & green cheeks won't be compatible

Well you should never just stick some birds in the same cage right away to "see what happens" but you can get a smaller cage to put right next to the large one so the birds can get to know each other. Then put them in the same cage for a short amount of time and keep a close eye on them!  Have a towel ready to grab them in case you see aggression. Just introduce them slowly, and if you don't think they can live together, you can just purchase a second outdoor cage for them and just put the cages right next to each other.