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My electus parrot

23 10:03:59

Dear Sir?Mdm

I have a 2 and a half month old electus and lately when I am am hand feeding him he is always taing is food out sometimes everything that I feed him . I am very worried ! I tried to give him an apple today and he seams to enjoy eating it even though its his first time eating on his own . I am new to looking after a parrot and and he really makes me sad when he vomits the food out. I feed him 3 times a day and  he takes out about once during the 3 feeds . Can you please help me ?


You are seeing him regurgitate.  This can be his attempt to bond with you, but at this young age I suspect it might be an infection in the crop.  Sometimes it's due to crop damage.  The only way to know is with a veterinarian, a doctor who knows how to examine birds, to evaluate what the problem might be.

 You cannot fix this yourself unless you have extensive education in bird care.

You need the right equipment such as a microscope to look for fungal, bacterial or viral infections and an X-ray machine to see if there is internal damage of some kind.

 These birds live a long life and it is not reasonable to think you can go all these years without a doctor for him.  Please find that doctor right now and get him checked out

 You can also find more options for feeding and weaning young birds like this at this site:

Good luck