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aggressive pacific parrotlet

23 10:03:59

recently I was given an all blue pacific parrotlet. for the past year or so the bird was in a room by itself and didn't see much attention. the bird is now in my front room and i have been trying to bond, build trust with it. i leave the doors open on cage and attempt to handle bird. the bird strikes and bites constantly, but when you handle her she settles down a bit but still bites and flies away.i've made small steps with the bird but was wondering if you can give me some advice or recommend book, web etc. to help.

-- The bird is what's called 'cage bound' at this point.   While being caged isn't ideal and not what the bird would choose, it's the safest, most secure and only thing the bird knows.

Just about all of the birds I deal with at my rescue/rehab are biters, screamers and cage bound.

So common that I've got a guideline posted here

 Don't pick up where you've left off though.  It's best to start all over, as if the bird is brand new to you.

And the first thing to do is get those wings trimmed.  You can eventually let them come back in, but for bonding and training it's better if he's not in charge.

--- Wing trims are painless and do not cripple a bird.  The bird will still be able to glide from a perch, forward several feet and gently land on the floor.   It just won't be able  to get any significant distance or lift/height.

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