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Lovebird plucking

23 10:17:47

Hi Dianna,

I have a peachface lovebird "Elvis" who is 3 years old.  He was hand fed and is the most loving and gentle bird.  Since about April/May ish he has been plucking. It started with a patch.  We are not sure if he hurt himself by flying into something it was above his wing just behind his left shoulder.  At first I just thought he was really getting into preening himself.  He loves his bath time and it didn't seem unusual until we saw the patch.  We took him to the vet and they put a collar on him.  They said it's really the only way to get them to change their mind from plucking and he would surely stop.  He was to keep it on for a week but by the Friday three days later he had eaten every thing holding it together and there was a staple sticking out, so we cut it off.  He also had no feathers around his neck at this point and it was quite raw from the collar because he was pushing and pulling it around his neck all the time.  Since then the feathers started growing back but everytime he gets to the point where I think he's on the mend he starts again.  I am sure he gets itchy from the feathers growing back in and starts to pull them again.  but now he's even gone further.  He preens so much that he pulls out the little downy feathers under his wings.  He has slight bare patches but nothing raw,and it's sort of always growing in the bare patches are alway around his upper wings and his front neck area, nothing on his back or under his wings.  He seems itchy all the time but there are no mites or parasites and the vet said she didn't see anything that would suggest it.  When I called the vet back she suggested Vitamins.  She said that the pellets we feed and the people food he eats is a good diet but the vitamins seem to improve feather growth.  I have tried but he hates the vitamins no matter how weak I make the water.  I just really don't want to resort to the collar again.  Do you have any suggestions.  As well it is summer in Ontario and we try to bring him out for a while each day but need to do that more. I am working on this.    He eats well but tends not to be as cuddley as he used to be.  He still likes to snuggle but lately he bites more and he used to be really easy to put back in his cage but now he takes off and usually we have to catch him or trick him to get him back in his cage.  Usually I have a bite or two before it's done.  Anything you suggest would be helpful

Hello Shirin and thank you for your post.
It is wonderful that you have given me so much information.  This really does help in aiding the underlying problem with Elvis.
It sounds like he's not mentally stimulated enough and he's bored.  Try teaching him tricks.  Lovebirds are very intelligent and they love to learn.  You can start by teaching him to walk through a hoop and move up from there.  Also, teaching him some words will help to keep his mind off of his self mutilating.
Contrary to popular belief, Lovebirds CAN talk.  They are just not very clear with words, but they do love to talk (I had one the would call for her mate, she would blow kisses, and she would say "Come Here").  
Also, get him some new brightly colored toys to play with.  Lovebirds love to play and some new toys may help to aid in mental stimulation.
Be sure to mist him several times a day.  Pin feathers are itchy and this will cause a bird to pluck them out.  The water from a misting will help to soothe the itchiness.
For his vitamins, try injecting a grape or his favorite treat with the vitamins.  He will be more apt to taking the vitamins this way.
Summer is here, and the "wildness" of all of my birds is showing.  Mine don't want to go back into their cages either.  Try catching him a few times, then let him fly away from you.  This will help to let him know that every time you catch him, he's not going back into the cage.

Hopefully these things will help.

Good luck and God Bless.