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quaker Parrot egg laying

23 10:13:13

I two quakers and one is male and one is female and the reason  I know this because the people we got them from had them tested to find out the sex. My question is how will I know if my female is ready to lay eggs? Is there is sign or symptom I need to watch for. Do I need to always have nesting material just in case. Is there a time of the year that they lay eggs, and if she does do I need to separate the male,I am just so lost on this and I want to be sure that if it does happen that I know what I am doing. I love them so much and I want to make sure they are safe and not hurt. Please help me if you can. Thank you

Are you planning to breed them? I really urge you not to because you aren't experienced in breeding. The female may never lay eggs but because she's in a house with a male, she most likely will. Once she lays her first egg you'll want to make sure she gets lots of calcium and vitamin D to support her egg-laying. Also, do a little research on the signs of egg binding because this is a common but VERY serious and sometimes deadly problem that can be fixed by the vet if noticed early on. You don't need to have nesting material or anything like that because nesting will just encourage her to lay eggs. If you are keeping them in the same cage, watch out for mating and the moment you notice this (it happens at certain times of the year, usually, so just get to know them and you can anticipate it) separate the two. To be safe, I would keep them separate year-round, but I know that some people can't or don't want to do this. Please let me know if I can help you with any other questions.