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Red headed amazon eyes

23 10:29:27

Actually I have two questions. First of all my parrot is old. I have had him about 25 years and the lady that gave him to me said he was about five then. Anyway, I have noticed little yellow spots all over the lens of his eyes. What could this be? Also he stands on his perch and sleeps a lot. Is this normal? He also sometimes shakes like he is cold. Thank you so much for your help.

Hi, Barbie.  Thanks for posting!

I don't know if there's anything wrong with your amazon's eyes, but I suspect it's something that needs to be evaluated by an avian veterinarian.  Parrots can get cataracts, glaucoma, etc., so it would be a good idea to have this checked out.  

Standing on a perch is normal of course!  Since you've owned this bird for 25 years, you know it's behavior better than anyone else.  If you think he's sleeping a lot (more than usual), perhaps he isn't well, particularly with these yellow spots showing up.  Birds regulate their body temperatures by shaking, so this might be what your bird is doing.  However, again, if this seems unusual to you for your bird, you should have him evaluated medically.
