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Introducing Parrots Together...

23 10:23:38


I have an african grey, who I have had since weaned, he has recently turned 1 on the 5th December.  Aso around 4 months ago my mum rescued an african grey of her own, he is approx. 4/5 years of age.  We are unsure of how to go about introducing the two parrots together.  We have been advised to put both cages in the same room next to or near each other but their cages are very large (both are large enough to house a macaw) so this is not possible.

Both birds are given LOTS of attention and are out of their cages every day.  We have had both birds in in the same room (in a seperate room from their cages so there is no dominant bird) but each bird has a different "height" in the room so they were not face-to-face with each other.   My grey has his full wings so can fly, but the other has had one wing clipped by the previous owner which has caused him to be unbalanced when flying and usually ends up getting hurt in the process, so he tends to walk around 99% of the time.  I am a little worried incase they fight when they meet as there is quite a difference in size as the older grey is much larger.  Am I just being an over protective owner?

Both birds seem very eager to meet each other but I am unaware of why? Whether this is an aggressive approach or just them being inquizative? Neither bird has been blood tested so we are unaware if they are male or female (we just assume they are both male)

Thank You Very Much,
ANY Advice Is Much Appreciated.


Hello Lauren and thank you for your post.
The introduction of birds is a slow process, as the birds will probably pick on each other or fight at first.  They have to get their "pecking order" established.  
The advise that you've gotten to keep them in separate cages in the same room is correct.  This does give them a chance to get used to each other without one injuring the other.
You can try taking them both to a neutral room and let them loose together, but this is something that I do not recommend because there is too much of a chance for them to fight.
If you possibly can afford it, get two smaller cages and put them into a neutral room and put a bird in each cage and let them gradually get used to each other.  The cages do not have to be very big, as the birds will not be in them all of the time.  A few hours a day, off and on should help.
Get to know your older bird's body language.  If you feel that he is willing to accept the new bird, then try letting them out together in that room, but do keep a close watch on them.  In time they will get used to each other and will probably become buddies.

Please keep me informed on how they are doing.

Good luck and God Bless.