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Lovebirds beak.

23 10:14:07

My 1 1/2 year old lovebird's beak looks dry, cracked, pale, and unhealthy. He has a cuttlebone, fresh water, food, and perches. Is this something I should have looked at or is it just a development process?

Hi, Sarah,

I found your question in the question pool this morning.  I don't know why it was not answered when you submitted it.

Is the current condition of your bird's beak different than it has been in the past?  What kind of diet is your bird on?  Sounds like to me you need to have this bird seen by a certified avian vet.  There are many factors that can affect a bird's overall health.  Therefore, it is best you have an avian vet take an overall look at your bird and evaluate what might be going on.
