Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > LOST CONURE


23 10:20:21

Our 8 year old blue headed conure escaped and we haven't been able to get him back, our question is... how long can they survive in the wild, we live in Pittsburgh, PA, at this time of the year. What would he eat? Would the cold nights effect him at all. or is our biggest issue other bigger birds, he stands at about 7 inches tall..not a real
big guy at all...we have hung signs up around the neighborhood, we did see him and hear him the next day- it's been 4 days now. Should we continue to search, or is it futile?  

First of all I'm sorry. Now why I might not be able to help you that much I want you to know you have my deepest condolences this must be very hard. As far as surviving in the wild I just don't know he certainly could but it would be kind of difficult. Try setting some of his food out in several places in your yard include some fresh fruit in the mix and maybe layout some of his favorite toys to try to attract him home if he is still in the neighborhood. I hope you little guy comes home it is totaly up to you as to how long you wish to keep looking be sure to check surrounding animal shelters frequently and let them know you've lost him. Again all my FIDS and I offer sypmathy.