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Beaks growth

23 10:32:42

I  hatched have a finches conure - about 9 months old.  Her beak has become very sharp, and I think too long.  She has a cuttle bone, but I wonder if she needs something else?  She is becoming quite tame, but her play is a little hard on my hands -we are bonding very nicely, and I want to keep her happy.  i learned about the beak and jewelry when she plucked a diamond out of my earring!


If her beak appears too long, you need to take your conure to an avian vet to have it trimmed. Do NOT take her to a pet store (where she might be exposed to other birds). A vet (unlike a pet store employee) will properly disinfect himself (or herself) between bird patients. They will also properly disinfect their tools, so that possible illnesses don't spread.

An overgrown beak can also be a sign of liver damage too. So a vet visit is critical to rule out any health problems.

You can search for avian vets near you on these websites:


I hope this helps.


PS- You can get more information on bird care at these wonderful websites: