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new parrot (conure) owner. help!

23 10:32:42

I just accquired a Greened Conure from a pet store. He/she is almost 2 years old without any interaction since it was hatched in the store. he/she was in a clutch with one other conure. We are trying to follow all the advice online, but I'd rather seek advice from an experienced professional on how to tame down the wildness in this little guy. he is still young and i think i might be able to get him through in the month. i know it is not clockwork over night, but i am patient. i have had budgies in the past growing up. but this is a challenge. how do i tame this guy to calm down and stop being skid-ish. to evenutally perch onto my finger. what is the proper way. i have never owned a conure before. and especially a skiddy one, help please.

Hi, Brittany.  Thanks for posting.

Congratulations on your new conure!  Conures are one of my favorite parrots.  

One of the first things you need to do is find out/figure out what type of conure you have...there is no such thing as a "greened conure."  Use Google and search the internet using the search string "conures" and see if you can find a picture of the species of conure you have.

Here is the address of my website.  Read what I've written and this will get you moving in the right direction.  I know you'll have lots of questions so come back as you need to:

This will be a challenge for you and it will likely take much longer than a month to tame this guy down, especially since s/he was raised in a pet shop, and no one can guarantee that you'll be successful in doing so.  Whenever you buy a parrot, you should buy a handfed, just-weaned baby from a reputable parrot breeder
