Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Cleaning


23 10:25:24

Hi,hope you are well...?Tell me,how does one clean their birdie up?I just got an African Grey (born 8th November 2006).The thing is,his cereal was stuck under his chin when I got him & it seems to be annoying him..Also,can one 'bathe' their greys...?THANK YOU

Hi, Shuroma.  Thanks for posting!

With your grey so young right now, you can take a wash cloth with warm water and wash the cereal off of your grey's feathers.  Then dry him thoroughly with a dry cloth/towel so s/he doesn't get a chill.

Yes, most parrots love to bathe.  However, your grey is still too young to be bathing.  S/he needs to be several months old before you give the bird a dish of water to bathe in and/or before you spray mist your bird.
