Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > I have a female concure--will...

I have a female concure--will...

23 10:35:28

I have a female concure--will she ever talk?  She is 2 years old and has not talked at all. Thanks

Hi Sherry

These little birds are more pet clowns than anything else.
Conures make delightful pets!... because they are so affectionate and comical!
The conure is a remarkable bird, popular because of their beauty and intelligence. They are easily tamed and very social, quite active and they love to learn tricks. Most conures can learn a few words though their voices are high pitched and so what they are saying is often unclear. They are hardy birds that rarely get sick.

Just make a happy hardy pet from her and try and listen carefully when she tries to say a word, u must learn to repeat and repeat, play a radio day and night for they pick up on certain tunes.  Especially whistle ones.  Play with her and be happy with her they are super birds.

Kind regards