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sun conure ?

23 10:29:35

I was told my sun conure is a male. Some of his/her behavior makes me believe it is a female. One particular thing it does is puts its behind up against the wall and flaps its wing rapidly. I have a male cockatiel who "humps" his ladder daily. My conure has never had that kind of behavior at all. Can you elaborate?
Thank you!

it is hard to say if your sun conure is a male or female. Some birds do that for attention or they are just playing. You wont be able to sex him/her by appearance .However, you can take a guess by looking at the shape of the bird's head. Females have a rounder and smaller head than the male. The male's head is squarer, with a flatter forehead.
if you have anymore ?S just ask. Also if you can give me a rating.