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Need Help!!

23 10:22:37

I'm getting a Senegal parrot, but I am stressing out what to choose for its cage, food, toys,a booklet and all the other things that I need to take care of my new parrot. So... can you PLEASE help me?!  

cage minmum size 24x18x18 better yet is 24x24x24 or bigger, bar spacing maximum size is 1/2 inch nothing larger, get a cage that is square or long not a cage that is round of has torets on teh roof you want teh most useable space in a cage as posible. Get a cage with large doors for easy assess to dishes and the parrot/toys, get a cage with a slide out pan and hoepfully one with a wire grid over the pan so the bird cant get to his poop as they will peak food from the cage floor even if it is poop covered which is not good. You'll need top quaility pellets not seeds I persoanly use Zupreem pellets and my birds love them and are very healthy. Toys get toys made for conures nothing smaller budgie/cocaktiel toys can hurt the bird if he bites off plastic adn swollows it or gets his beak hooked in tiny bells or openings made for much smaller birds. Get toys with large check type bells never use jingle bells as toys the birds do get tehre beaks stuck in the openings and can starave to death while your at school or work this way. Be sure to get 4/5 toys to start make sure there made of wood/strong plastic you want to rearange the toys in teh cage every few days taking out old and putting in new to keep the bird occupied also birds perfer wooden toys very much or at lest toys with wood on them as they like to chew them to a pulp plastic toys are nice to mouth and hold but they are not fun to chew and parrot news to chew so keep this in mind adn be sure to budget money for new toys monthly. Keep a senegal parrot manual or guid a nice thick book avalible at petstores this will be of great help. Also genral parrot boosk from libarys will help as well if this is your first parrot. You will need a cage cover or large blanket to cover the cage with at night so the bird can sleep well, you need 3 food dishes one for water one for food and one for fresh veggies/fruit, you should have three pearches two wooden dowel different thicknesses and a rope perch the lenth of the cage to exercise the birds feet and pervent them gonig sore. I do not reccomend the cement or sand paper perches they are ok if you use a short one and have many other types of perches in the cage you do not want the bird running over a course hard uncomfy perch all the time it will lead to foot blisters and leg problems. You need a spray bottle to mist the bird with for a bath thi is only needed if you cant get the bird to bath in a dish of water provided weekyl(A simple clay flower pot bottom works great for baths and its just the right depth). I would be happy to give more detailed info on anything else you might need help with just feel free to email again when you have more questions,