Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Re: My African Grey

Re: My African Grey

23 10:15:30

I have a male African Grey who is quite tame and comes out of his cage without problems. He allows you to stroke his beak gently but not his head. I have been desperately trying to teach him to imitate speech and sound but he does not even utter a scream or any other sort of noise. He does seem to pay attention when you speak to him. Is tit worrying that he does not make sounds? Thanks for your help.

Hi, Cecil,

Not all birds talk (they actually mimic sounds, don't actually "talk").  There are no guarantees when it comes to birds.  You may have one that doesn't talk.  Then again, perhaps your bird doesn't talk when you're around.  Sometimes birds get so wrapped up in what their humans are doing that they don't talk, but when you leave the room or aren't home, they talk up a storm.  All you can do is keep repeating over and over what you want the bird to mimic.  If the bird wants to talk, it will.  If not, it won't.
