Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Possibly hurt/traumatized green cheek

Possibly hurt/traumatized green cheek

23 10:27:06

We do give him a bath often (we live in an area that is warm most of the year), but this smell is new.  He has acted a little more nippy when I pet him.  He often leans back to rest his back in my cupped hand when he is sitting on me and he has still done that but rather than seeming to be comfortable and relaxed, he twitches his feathers fluffy in my hand every few seconds.  And he seems a little less playful and a bid more cuddly.  He is a very cuddly (and sometimes bitey) bird so this difference is very small though.  He has eaten, stretched his wings, vocalized, and hung out with his favorite people just as usual.  The only big difference that I can tell is the smell.
The text above is a follow-up to ...

My husband and I have a little green cheek conure that we dearly love.  He's so playful and loves to get inside people's shirts to play.  The other night we were getting ready to go out and I didn't notice that the bird had slipped into my husbands shirt.  My husband said something to me and I jokingly sucker punched him in the stomach.  Right where the bird was.  I feel so guilty and upset and we both are so worried that he is hurt and needing to be rushed to the vet, but he doesn't seem hurt at all!  We checked him over for broken bones as well as we could and watched him closely for the rest of the night.  His droppings seem to be regular and he has acted completely normal.  This evening however I noticed that he smelled a little weird, especially his breath.  I'm really worried.  What do you think I should do?  Besides the obvious "be more careful".
Thank you.
Hi, Jinx.  Thanks for posting!

I don't know that you need to do anything!  You haven't given me any reason in your post to suspect anything is wrong.  I don't think smelling weird is reason for going to the birdie vet.  The weird smell could be the way stress is leaving this little guys body, s/he could have eaten something that caused the weird smell (what a bird eats can leave the body via an odor...sometimes birds smell good when they've eaten a lot of fruit), your bird could be eating droppings or other causing the bad breath smell.  Does your bird take baths?  Is this smell something new?  Any other signs of stress or illness?


Hi again, Jinx.

Perhaps you should call an avian veterinarian and ask for further advice.  I can only advise you based on my knowledge and experience.  You know your bird better than anyone else does...if you think something is not right, it probably isn't.  There could be a medical problem if your bird's droppings smell, but you haven't indicated this is the case.
