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My amazon behavior

23 10:22:43

QUESTION: Just recently my double nape parrot has bee acting differently.  Paco, at times paces the bottom of his cage and his bottom featers are fluffed up and he's making this wierd cooking noise like a pigeon and he like breathing hard.  When he first did it both my dogs got up and just sat by his cage and i got up and "asked" him what was wrong. then at that time he threw up something and ate it. I know that, that is a good thing but I don't know about the rest.  He also has been "attacking" the same bottom corner of his cage. Constantly bitting and attacking it. I had changed his food but i'm not sure if thats whats wrong.
ANSWER: Hi Susane,

The behaviors you are describing could be the symptoms of a medical condition. Please make an appointment with your avian veterinarian ASAP.

How old is your bird? How long have you had him? Do you know for sure that he is a male? If there is not a medical condition, it may be that he is hormonal and in breeding mode. It's very possible that he sees you as a potential mate.

My website has links to excellent resources on parrot behavior. I recommend that you take a look at them. Also The Amazona Society is a great organization for owners of amazons.

First you need to start with a avian vet check, please don't wait.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have had Paco for I think about 10 years, i can't recall how old I was when my dad got him, but he wasn't a little baby when we did get him. I'm the only one he trusts and he doesn't bite me. I don't know for sure if he's male. My dad says he is but who knows, its not as easy as a dog. :)
I will try to look for an avian vet, but I'm not sure how many we have here, i live in a small town.


Since you have had this bird for 10 years and never seen this behavior before you definitely need to go to an avian veterinarian.

There are links on my website to help you find an avian veterinarian. If you let me know your general area I can also as well.
