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toxic toys

23 10:33:57

I am interested in making bird toys for my birds, i have a wide range of different types of birds, and what i was wondering is if there are any types of metals, strings, beeds, wood, etc. that are toxic to birds that i should not use in the making of my toys.  Anything that is toxic would be helpful, or links.  thank you!

Hi Becky,

You have probably asked on of the pickiest people on here about bird toys. I am almost fanatic about toy safety with my guys. I live in the Atlanta area where we have frequent bird fairs and toys can be purchased at a good price, but more often than not, I come home with very little because many dont meet my safety specifications.

 The first few things I can tell you are to avoid are; bells such as "jingle" bells, "s" hooks of any kind, beads that have been treated with varnishes or that are made in countries other than the US ( assuming you are here in the US) and string that has been dyed with regular dyes. All these things can entrap your birds beaks, toes, wings, etc... or be toxic. When making toys for my birds I use only vegetable tanned leathers, heavy duty bells that have no slots, unclosed hooks, or easily removed clappers, unbleached cotton strings, and items that are died with Kool Aid. I also use plastic beads and chains.

One of the main things to keep in mind is that the toy has to be appropriately sized for the bird, especially when making them for large birds and to inspect everything carefully for entrapment areas. Toes and beaks can easily get caught in something and leave your bird panicked and hanging.  Also watch out for anything painted where the paint might be able to be chipped away by a curious beak and metals such as zinc.

A great website to pay a visit to is:
I rely on that site for a lot of valid information on just about anything for birds. In fact if you go to the site and look for their Winged Wisdom e-zine, you will see a link to a 2003 issue on making bird toys. You can also search the sites articles library for toys and come up with links to 63 articles. There are articles on toy safety, dangerous toys, toys made from foods, toys for specific bird types, etc...  As I said, this site is one I have known, referred to and trusted for years now. I havent investigated those pages further this morning but would imagine you will be able to find more links to suppliers of bird safe items for toy making there.

Toys are such a vital part of keeping our companion birds healthy and happy. It is always nice for me to hear from someone like you who is willing to put in the extra time and effort to provide for their "babies".

Have fun looking over that website and dont forget to check out all the other types of articles there as well. There are great bird recipes, and so much more there. Best of luck to you and dont hesitate to write again if I can be of any further assistance.
