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Red coloring canary bird feathers

23 10:18:06

hello i was wondering if it is okay to use 20g Canthaxanthin red color bird feathers medicine on my bird to change my bird color to red is it safe for the bird does it have any side effects. thank you

I would never recommend trying to dye your bird's feathers. I'm not familiar with the product you mentioned, but there is only one bird whose colors can change; and that is the red-factor canary. These birds can be fed (in addition to their regular food) a mixture sold in the food section of bird stores that is red in color. The birds will eat this, and when molting, their feathers will adopt this red coloring.

Anything other than this could seriously pose a danger to your bird. You should always consult an avian vet FIRST before ever attempting to use any over the counter medication or diet change.

I hope this helps.
