Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > hi Christy :D

hi Christy :D

23 10:18:07

my question is does quaker parrot's get sick?

Because my quaker have been  sneezing like 4 times at once
i don't know if the air conditioner its getting him sick or something else

i am worried can you please help me Christy  

Hi! Yes they can get sick just like you and I! But, unless he is just sitting in on spot with his head down and not acting normal or mucus is coming out of his nose or mouth he is probably fine.BUT, birds can get sick and die VERY quickly. So make sure his cage is clean at all times bacteria and mould (from poop) can kill quick. Clean fresh food and water is important!! Take care and if he seems to get worse go to the vet right away! Christy