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breeding birds

23 10:34:17

I have a pair of Yellow collared macaws that I want to bred but am unsure of relatedness. I am unable to locate the breeder on any band registry list I have found online. They have the same breeder code (WOF)but different years stamped on their bands. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, BJ Howell

hi BJ Howell,

did you go back to where you bought the birds from?
Go to a pet shop and ask about breeders in the area where the birds came from.
start in the area where the birds were raised
call pet shops and ask if they know anyone that breeds or raises yellow collared macaws.
also breeders can help you with registry bands on how to find the answer to your questions about the birds.
it may take awhile but you'll find the answer
last but not less go to the vet have a DNA test done on both birds.
take care