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conure quaker

23 10:25:12

I have a biting parrot. But I would really like to know what she need to eat. Like her nutrition, if she needs vegetables or fruits and what kind. Also any ideas on how we can make her stop biting she only bites when shes in or around her cage.

Hello Kriss and thank you for your post.
Your friend does need a variety of different fruits and vegetables, along with meats.
I am listing the things that she con NOT have.
Fruit seeds (apples, pears, etc.).  They contain cyanide.
Avocados, including things like guacamole.
Salted crackers, pretzels, & chips.  They are made with super iodized salt, which can be harmful to a bird.
Chocolate in any form.
Caffeine in any form.
Alcohol in any form.

As far as the biting, here is a link to a site that I recommend to many people.  I use the methods on my own birds and any birds that I get into my home with great results.

You'll find a lot of information there.

Good luck and God Bless.