Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > keets


23 10:31:28

I have had a keet for 4 years. When we originally bought 2 keets and 1 died. bouught another and the new one died again. We decided that the original keet needed to be alone. We figured out that it is a female. Friend of ours had gotten a bird for the kids and now have given it to us. I would like to put them in the same cage but am afriad. They have been next to each other for 2 weeks so they can get used to each other but what should i do next?
Thanks so much

Hi, Linda.  Thanks for posting.

Sometimes the stress from being moved to a new location is too much for a bird, especially if the bird could be borderline ill to begin with.  This might explain the deaths of the 2 birds.  They also don't have a long lifespan unless taken care of well.  

If the 2 keets seem to be getting along well side-by-side, you can let them out together and see how they do.  If they aren't tame enough to do this, you can put them together in a preferably neutral cage.  If you don't have a neutral cage (one that doesn't belong to either of the keets), then put them together into one or the other cages, if a cage is big enough for them both.  You can try connecting 2 cages together to give them plenty of room, too.  Supervise them at first until you're sure they will get along.  They may argue at first or they might be best pals, depends on the individual birds.  If they tend to fight a lot, you may want to separate them for a while if you have to be gone for long periods of time during the day.

Come back if you have additional questions.
