Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > biting lovebird

biting lovebird

23 10:32:34

i have a lovebird and i have had him for a while now but latley when i
go to get him out of the cage he viciously bites me he like springs
forward and bites me and then he like shakes his really hurts and
its really scary...he use to love me but now it seems like he hates
me....i love this little bird to death please help me i want to know how
to make him stop and what i should do and why he is doing it...please
help me! i dont like the fact that my lovie probably hates me i didnt
do anything to make him mad so i dont know what is wrong! pleas HELP

Have you gotten your bird away from his cage? How is he when you handle him in a different room (where he can't see his cage?). I would assume that he is just territorial (a common problem in lovebirds), but here are some articles that should help you with your lovebird's aggression:

I hope this helps.
