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breeding lovebirds

23 10:14:06

My pair of lovebirds successfully raised two babies and now are sitting on six more eggs. I hand fed the babies with dads help. the babies are not as tame as i like. was my mistake letting daddy help? do i need to remove the new clutch and handle feeding on my own to get truly tame birds?

Taming, to tell the truth, has NOTHING to do with being hand-fed or not. One of my sweetest lovebirds was parent-raised. The babies should be left with the mother for at least 5 days (they get all of their immunities from that time) and then you can let dad help feed the babies, but make sure you spend lots and lots of time with your hands touching them. Hold them, pet them, feed them, etc. I would suggest having dad feed them once, then you do the next feeding, and just switch between the two of you for the feeding times. When they get old enough to just need one feeding, you should do ALL of it and separate the lovebirds into separate cages/brooders so that they don't bond with a bird-they bond with a human.