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conure hates other people

23 10:16:43

Why does my cherry-head attack other people?  Hes VERY nice to me, and other people when i'm gone,  but as soon as he sees or hears me he's vicious again and will not calm down until I have him. Why is he like this and how do I stop this behavior?

You're not alone and your bird isn't unusual. I've got a Severe Macaw who does the exact same thing.
 There's various reasons attached to this behavior, but the bottom line is that the bird prefers to be with you and this behavior gets him there right? In order to stop him from being vicious, you take him - so you've rewarded the behavior without even knowing it.
 To modify this behavior you need to start by not picking him up, but by praising him for being good while he's with someone else.  Of course you need to have a very brave person willing to work with you on this, but a few layers of thick socks with the toes cut out on their arm and it might be easier.
 Only start with a minute otherwise the bird will become stressed and possibly frightened and that's not what you want.  If and when the bird bites or becomes overly aggressive - put him in a place that's neither with you, nor where he's particularly entertained.  Just long enough for him to calm down and then try again.
 Never leave him alone or ignored more than about 5 minutes or the point is lost on him and it's just mean.
 Only try putting him on someone else for two or three tries like this at only a minute or two each to begin with and afterwards take him yourself and reward him with praises.
 Each time increase the amount of time he spends with someone else - and eventually he may be socialized enough to happily go to others.  
 I'm happy that our macaw has stopped drawing blood when someone else offers their arm - and our big blue and gold is now nice enough to be used to as a teaching tool for children.
 It just takes patience.  Keep it up.

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