Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > sunconure


23 10:14:05

hello, I love my sunconure , But I'm having a problem with her screamimg for my attention as soon as i leave her sight. can you help me as i'm tired of her living on my shoulder

It sounds like you've unintentionally spoiled your little baby! Don't worry, it happens to every bird owner at least once. Think of it this way- if you had a small child, let's say a 2-year old, and he was screaming and kicking on the floor of an isle at the supermarket because you wont buy him the cookies he wants... would you give in and buy him the cookies? I doubt it. By giving your conure attention when she screams (even if you're saying "shut up" or "no"-that counts as attention) you are teaching her that she just has to scream to get what she wants. By putting her on your shoulder, she is told that she is in charge. Every time she tries to climb up on your shoulder, take her off and leave her on your arm. When she tries to climb again, take her down. You'll do this many many times before she gives up, but you'll have regained control of her. Next time when she screams, say "I'm right here, go play" or something reassuring her that you haven't abandoned her, and when she keeps on screaming, completely ignore her. Don't look at her, talk to her, or let her know that you're bothered by the yelling. After a while, she'll get bored and go find something else to do. Once she's been quiet for 5-10 minutes SOLID, go in and give her treats and lots of praise and attention. This shows her that she doesn't get attention for screaming and she'll find another way to communicate with you. My birds communicate with me in ways ranging from ringing bells to calling out "Come here!" to "BORED! PLAY NOW!!!"