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my parrot is not the same

23 10:30:59

   This is Mike and on August 12 to August 19 my family and I went on vacation. The place we were staying at wasn't allowed to have pets so we brought our parrot Wilson to a parrot store where we take him to get groomed. So we boarded him there for that week. On Saturday August 19 we picked him up. The store owner said that Wilson would remember me and sure enough he did. I noticed that as soon as I walked in he jumped right out of the cage when I opened it. But as we were we're walking out he looked like he wanted to go back in the cage. In the cage next to him there was another Amazon parrot. The lady at the store said that the Amazon next to Wilson taught him how to say hello. He never said hello before he only said hi. Well anyway the reason why I am emailing you is because ever since we left I notice that Wilson hasn't been the same. He is extremely quiet and just stands on his perch and stares at the wall all day. Every time I go to pick him up he screams. Before we put him away I had trouble putting him back in his cage because he didn't want to get off me. My family and I think there is really something wrong with him. I think its because Wilson was next to the other Amazon and now he thinks the Amazon is his mate. What do you think is wrong with Wilson? Do you think we have to get another Amazon to make him happy again?

                                    thank you,

Hello Mike and thank you for your question.
It does sound like wilson bonded with this other Amazon that he was next to and he is going through "seperation anxeity".
Unfortuneatly, if he bonded with the other bird, that is the bird that you'd want to get.  If you get another Amazon (other than the one that he has bonded with), then you might be asking for trouble.  Wilson may reject this other bird, and the may make Wilson mean.  You may have to just wait it out and see if Wilson returns back to his old self, which most likely he will.

I hope this helps.

Good luck and God Bless.