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lovebird questions.

23 10:23:23

Hello,I have two lutinos that have splayed legs which thats why I've ended up with two...the breeder was giving them away, they are indeed only 7 weeks old and acctually I'm still giving them one handfed meal a day as dereicted via the breeder...which I'm very aware of how to do properly as I've handfed baby budgies from hatching before as the mother would not feed the chicks plus older chicks as well to pervent further breeding. checking the intrenet I found that caught a few weks ago they could have been cured...or rather there legs fixed to come straght but supposibly its too late now. My questions today are...will the splayed legs cause them problems win the future? they can both stand on there perches very well/climb around the cage and my shoulder easily as well.

provided they are hens or one is at lest do you think that they could still be bred without problem by the male? Would there be any issues being 'pregnant' with splayed legs? I've never experainced this ever before(splayed legs) so I'm not sure what to expect later on. Also if you have time for one more question I was wondering how to get my other lovebird to accept the twin lutinos....everytiem I take them out together(there in different cages) he will lean in and bite the lutinos feet...this seems strange I have introuced budgies to budgies cockatiels to cockatiels finches to finches and ever a cockatiel to a dove before without this seems he is mouthing there feet but it does hurt the lutinos as they screach and bite back is this normal? should I jsut keep introducing them out of cage and let them work it out or? I'm at a lose with this, thank you very much for taking the time to read my questions and I hope you can help us with some of them,  

Hello Tara and thank you for your post.
I have never personally dealt with a bird with Splay Leg, however, one of our other experts has a site that you can go to and get some information on the subject.  I am sending the link for the site.

I would not breed a bird that has Splay Leg.  I would think that it would be too hard on the bird, but maybe that's just me.

As for your other lovebird, you need to keep in mind that lovebirds are very territorial birds and they are aggressive.  They are known to kill their own mates, so I would not recommend trying to put them all together.  Your older lovebird will literally chew the feet off of the babies if given the chance.  

I hope this helped.
Good luck and God Bless.