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Trimming Amazon Parrot nails

23 10:10:47

Cookie rufused to go into carrying cage to go get his nails trimmed.  We
rescued him
from a bad enviroment and can still only touch his claw, head and tail.  He
will not
be held and will bite.  On our last trip to the Vets (we have been going about
times previously in the carrying cage which he would go into.)  The vet was
and hurt Cookie as he was wrapped in the towel and Cookie bite his finger.  
The nails
were cut too short and bled.  This time when we encouraged him to get into
the cage
he started trembling and got into the corner of his large cage and refused to
We gave up and now the nails are growing and we are stumped . . . Please,
what do
you suggest?

You're right, Cookie has been traumatized and this poor little thing doesn't need that just for nail trimming.

I'm not fond of doing my bird's nails either, but I've found that doing just one at a time while we're playing is pretty easy and it's over before they realize what has happened.

First start out playing with the bird and showing them the clippers - letting them pick them up and eventually losing interest in them.  

 This can take a few days or even a couple weeks, but it's worth it, believe me.

In the meantime, play a lot with the bird's feet.  I have taught everyone to "shake hands" which gives me the opportunity to hold their feet and gently tug at their nails while praising them for allowing it.

The next step is to touch the clipper to the foot and nail, but don't do anything.  Once he accepts this, do the deed!  Clip a nail, quickly hide the clippers and lavish praise as you move on to another activity.  

With just 8 nails, you can get them all done in 8 days or just do one every few days.  

Another option is to use a nail file (it has to be a sturdy, good one) and some people use dremmels (a small, sanding tool) but some birds react badly to the noise.

Finally, if you have any bird shops or supply stores in the area - call around and ask about groomers that make house calls.  You can even put calls in to vets and ask if they have a list of people that might do this.  

These days it's a growing trend, as birds are growing in popularity as pets.

 Keep up the very, VERY good work and kindness toward your Cookie.