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introducing lovebirds

23 10:31:22

I have been raising a pair of cockatiels for 14 years.  My partner purchased a lovebird a couple of days ago and now want's a friend for it.  I have no experience with introducing birds to one another.  Should they initially be in separate cages?  Any suggestions on selecting a second lovebird?
Many thanks.


Let's deal with selection first..  I recommend getting the first bird DNA sexed by your Vet.  Then decide if you want to breed and buy direct from a breeder a bird of the appropriate sex. If you don't want to breed clearly get one of the same sex. Although you will see them mating, and if females they will lay eggs, you won't have the hassle of finding homes for chicks up to three times a year.

Introductions are not a problem so long as you bring them together in a cage that neither bird has occupied before. Lovebirds will defend territory before investigating the social possibilities.

Good luck