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African Ring-neck

23 10:03:57

Piccolo is 7 yrs. He began talking at 2 yrs. many words and sentences.  His speech has slowed in the past year.  The only thing in his life different is a new large cage bought in June 2010.  He is extremely well cared for, has a variety of good foods and toys. He is healthy, well adjusted family bird. Any ideas as to what made his speech slow down? Thank you from Diana and Piccolo.

- This isn't as strange as it might sound.  I've seen it happen in many different psittacines.  I suppose it may be like humans.  In our youth we have OH so much to say.  As we grow older, those of us who grow wiser exercise a bit more restraint and spend our words like valuable currency.  Which it should be.

As long as your bird is acting normally otherwise, still eating fine, no changes in droppings or overall activity - AND you know 'for sure' he's healthy by way of actual, hands on check ups once or twice a year with an avian vet --- then relax.  Try shaking things up a bit like changing his cage around, moving it someplace different, totally re-do the inside of it.  
Take him someplace new and different, whether it's out to the yard with you or for a car ride (if he's not used to it, make it very short) - always end car rides, at least at first, with a treat like a 1/4 of a fortune cookie, piece of graham cracker or taste of natural fruit yogurt, etc.

 Even consider spicing up his diet and introducing new words and sounds along with it.  It might be just the thing to kick start his interest in being more vocal again

--- you can see some food ideas here (and recipes)