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cockatiels babies

23 10:22:51

my 3 babies are about 32 days old. i have done some reading on them. what is fleding?  also,how will they get out of the nesting box? it is at the top of the cage. also do i need to get special baby cockatiel food for them?  

Hi, Dana.  Thanks for posting!

Fledging is when the babies take their first flight/learn to fly.  They will climb out of the nesting box on their own.  Daddy cockatiel coaxes them out and teaches them what they need to know.  

Evidently, you aren't going to handfeed these babies so they will be tame?  They will eat whatever you feed the adult birds if you aren't going to handfeed them.  If you were going to handfeed them, you would start weaning them by offering them different types of warm, soft food.  However, since you are letting the parents raise these babies, the adults will feed them until the babies can eat seed/pellets (whatever you feed them) on their own.  If you have your birds on an all-seed diet, this type of diet is high in fat and low in nutrition.  You really need to convert your birds to a healthier diet.
