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What kind of parrot is this?

23 10:34:27

I have a friend that owns the stragest looking parrot I've ever seen. I am pretty familiar with many parrots but this one takes the cake. It's whole belly is gray up to its neck and its back is too. Then it's head, tail, and wing tips are rainbowed with a lot of red orange and yellow. The wierd part though is that it's 8yrs old and the gray part feels like baby bird feathers. Not really soft but like tattered or not fully developed. My friend takes really good care of their bird, so I don't think it does the tattering its self.  

HI Kelsey,

Although you said you don't think the bird is pulling his feathers, it sounds to me like he is. There are many birds that have grey underfeathers or "down" feathers. Down feathers are the first feathers they get as babies, and could be why it reminds you of a baby bird.

Here are some links to articles (with photographs):

Maybe Your friend could possibly have a Meyers parrot?

If you e-mail me a photograph, I could properly identify the bird for you (and tell you if the bird is plucking feathers or not):

I hope this helps.
