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Taming and training a cockatiel

23 10:31:02

I recently lost one of my cockatiels. He was a male, and two years ago I got another one to keep him company, it was supposed to be a female, but they have never had any eggs. Anyway, I'm not sure if the one I have left is male or female, but, it's not tame at all.  It does sing quite a bit and is very vocal like Elvis was.  Now with him being alone, I would like to tame and train him instead of getting another one.  He/she is about two years old, it was about 2 months old when I got it. Can you help.  I keep it in a huge cage so it has plenty of room, but I've just never spent much time with them, they had each other.  Can you help?

Sorry to hear that your cockatiel died. Cockatiels can be hard to tame, especially when they are older. It will take time and patience, you can start off by just spending time talking to him and interacting with him so that he gets used to you being around. Hopefully he will learn to trust you and enjoy being with you. Give him treats, play with him and just spend loads of time with him. Many cockatiels can be taught to step up onto your finger but lots of them don't want to do that. It could be that your bird has spend too long with the other bird to become tame with humans. If that happens you should consider getting another bird, as lack of company can make them bored and unhappy. Hope this helps, take care