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Cockatiels throwing out eggs

23 10:14:06

I have 2 cockatiels 1 male 1 female and about 20 days have passed since she layed her first egg and about 3 days ago the male started throwing the eggs out of the nest box to the cage floor and at first i thought she was laying eggs at the bottom of the cage so what i did was wash my hands with soap and gently put them back in the nest and today i found out he is actually throwing them out of the nest box to the  cage floor and i don't know what to do with the 6 or more eggs she has layed please help me ASAP thank you

Hi, Bryan,

I found your question in the question pool this morning.  I don't know why it was not answered when you submitted it.

You've probably resolved this by now, but I'll give you my input.  The incubation period for cockatiels is 18 days.  If it's past 18 days incubation period and the eggs have not hatched, they were either infertile to begin with or they died in their shell during development.  Your adult tiels know whether anything viable is inside their eggs.  Evidently, they weren't going to hatch and this is why the male threw them out of the nesting box.  You can candle the eggs to be sure.  Candling is the process of shining a light source through the egg to see what you can see inside.  If the eggs inside look like the inside of a chicken egg from your refrigerator, nothing is inside and they will not hatch (chicken eggs you buy at the store are infertile).  If the eggs are dark and you cannot see through them, something could be inside.  However, the embryo could be dead inside the egg (caused by many things).  

If these eggs are not going to hatch, you can remove them and throw them away.  However, candle them first to be sure.    
