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unsure about macaw laying egg

23 10:18:33

how can you tell if your macaw is going to lay an egg?she has never been around another bird but she seems like she is trying to nest and we have never seen this behavior from her before.She is 7 1/2 years old.She is starting to get a bit of an attitude and she actions are changing towards us.she has been around us forever,there are 3 of us and she is given alot of love and affection.she goes out side on the screen in porch and at nite she stays on her perch she is not caged at any time not that putting her in a cage would   do any good she has learned to get out of anything and
any help on this would be great...
Thanks Barbara

Hi Barbara, don't you just love her? Sadie is one of my most successful rescues - a blue and gold who also enters nesting phases as you describe.  She may not lay an egg although she's trying to nest.  Her aggression is also typical of a female going through this frustrating period. You may notice her becoming rather affectionate with an object or toy - backing up to it and making strange noises.  She'll protect certain things and places, but discouraging this at all costs is important.  Not just for egg laying prevention, but because it's very easy for these birds to stay 'stand-offish' with their human companions.

Have you got her on a 12+12 hour schedule, providing at least 12 hours of 'sleep' time (dark or subdued light and quiet)?  This usually curbs the nesting behavior, but you can add an hour to the nighttime side to really be sure.

 Changing things around - putting her food in a different area, mixing up perch locations and types - and as hard as it may be, take away the objects she's backing up to.

Visit my site for more info (not enough room here) and to see our in-house macaws and set up.  Everything is free, our info is complete and there's no sales.

 Let me know how you do ok?  I'm really glad to hear about caring companions like you are (since I deal mainly in birds needing rescue). (click on 'birds')