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African Grey TIMNEH

23 10:23:52

Hi, first of all i like to thank u ppl for ur suggestions.
I have just owned an African Grey Timneh, it's age is round about 8 months, it is wild n the first problem i m having is that he is not eating fruits, i think he never tasted fruits before, n he only eat seeds, peanuts etc. My question is that is it ok to keep him giving seeds?? n second question is that our pet shop keeper said that i should give my GREY some CALCIUM, n he have some CALCIUM in a solid form, would u plzz suggest that should i give my grey CALCIUM.
There is not even a single vet in my area so u r my best vet (lolzz). So plzz give me suggestions. Thanx v much for giving ur time. God bless u all.
Take care. bye

your grey will be very unhealthy eating just seeds and peanuts. Pellets are better.If you have petshops in your area how can you have no pets, what if your bird gets sick. Where did you get a wild caught grey from? People on the internet are not vets, its illegal for anyone who its not a qualified vet to give veterinary advice. Too little or too much calcium can cause problems. Your bird doesnt have a balanced diet so is probably already lacking calcium and at such a young age it can cause serious problems. My only suggestion is to get the bird checked over by a vet before giving supplements, you probably wont like that but I cant suggest anything else as my concern is the animals welfare. If there is no vet you could try getting a bus or train to where there is a vet. Good luck