Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > quarker parrot

quarker parrot

23 10:23:53

my bird lucky scratches herself on her side of her face and she now has a small bold spot is there anything I can put on her to help her ?

This could be a couple things so you have to be careful ok?
First, a parasite - there are some so small that even a vet needs to do a skin scraping to determine that they're there and which type they are.
 Second, a bacterial infection can be one of many types - not all antibiotics work on each other, so again, the trust microscope and even culture dishes come into play.
Third, it could be a stress reaction or habit. One or both of the above mentioned circumstances could have begun it, but a stress/habit reaction continues it.

If it's fungal or viral - again - the medication has to be specific for the type.

When it comes to birds, medical intervention early is usually the most successful and less expensive route to go. We've seen people take a wait and see approach - only to end up spending thousands of dollars on a problem that would have cost about $65.00 to treat in the beginning (and that includes the office visit).
 Quakers are exceptionally sweet and pretty birds - I'm sure Lucky is really lucky to have you!  After all, you're here and concerned about her welfare! Good job :)