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Orange wing amazon

23 10:02:25

About a month ago my husband @ I caught an Orange wing amazon in our yard. It was so half dead from dehighdration it couldn't even get 3 feet off the ground. We tossed a towel over it put her in a cage and she drank for at leased 5 minutes then came right back for more. We took it to a bird vet @ had it tested for parrot fever @ Guardia (the 2 that can be transmitted to humans# along with a good look over. They scanned for a microchip, we had already looked on the web @ stuff for a lost O-wing but found nothing. The vet said it was probely between 5-10 years old @ was in good health but was a little dirty and dry #we live in southern Az.). The bird says a couple of things will take certain foods it really likes ect.;peaches,carrots,banana,cheese,plain popcorn,sweet potatoes... it was a seed junkie but she now loves her roudy bush pellets @ is seed free! It has just started to reach out @ touch our finger but won't step up. I don't push it because it acts like it will bite. It seems that it has not gotten enough handling or something. It tears up the newspaper on the bottom of the cage and piles it up in the corner I would like to know why? I would also like to know how to give it a bath @ if we should move it to the new cage when we move to the know house or put it in the new cage now? Also if you know of any free training or any help or advise please I look forward to hearing back from you.

- Oh absolutely, I believe in EVERYTHING being "free" in order to insure a healthy, happy bird and other than regular vet exams (a MUST by the way; at least once or twice a year), charging for bird advice is like charging to help an old lady across the street.

I can say that; I'm old

-- Go here for pretty much everything you need and see the videos too!

 Check back with me if you need any specifics, but I believe all of your questions will be answered there.